Guidelines for Abstract submission

These guidelines should help structure the abstract submission effectively. The abstract must have a 300-word limit, ensuring conciseness and clarity while conveying the key findings and implications of the study.

  1. The title should accurately reflect the content of the abstract.
  2. Include the names of all authors along with their affiliations. Ensure that the affiliations are clearly stated and correspond to each author.
  3. Provide contact information for corresponding authors.
  4. Briefly introduce the topic and the importance of the research.
  5. Clearly state the objective of the study.
  6. Summarize the methods used in the study.
  7. Present key findings from the study.
  8. Discuss the implications of the results and their significance. Address any limitations of the study and potential future directions.
  9. Provide a concise conclusion summarizing the main findings and their importance.
  10. Include relevant keywords that capture the essence of the study.

Abstract submission link: