Oral Presentation
Only registered authors can be selected for oral presentation of their work. These presentations will be in English in the format of Lightning Talks, consisting of a 15-minute talk with an additional 5 minutes for questions.
Poster Presentation
Participants must create a 45 cm x 53 cm high-resolution image with all the poster information in English, using the background image provided by the organizing committee.
In order to participate in the posters awards the participants should make a 5 minute oral presentation to the scientific committee during the poster sessions and post their posters on Twitter or Instagram at the beginning of the conference using a single tweet, which should include the official poster image, with a brief explanation. In order to increase their visibility and associate them with the conference, please use the hashtags #VirtualPostersSession and #XIVCA2B2C. Please use the handle @bioinformatica_ar as well so that we will receive a notification. Other suggestions for hashtags are #bioinformatics #datascience or the topics of the congress #DeepLearning #DataMining&BigDataAnalysis #Chemoinformatics&DrugDiscovery #Genomics&Evolution #SystemsBiology #StructuralBioinformatics #BiomolecularSimulations #Bioinformatics&Diseases #Education
In case you are in a country that does not allow for Twitter posting, please contact us and we will post it for you on the @bioinformatica_ar page.
Frequently Asked Questions
Who can send an abstract?
This event is open to the entire community, anyone can send an abstract and be selected for poster or oral presentation.
How will be the selection for oral presentation?
All abstracts will be reviewed by 2 specialists in the field. According to their recommendations, the Scientific Committee will determine if the abstract is presented as oral or poster.
Who will receive a certificate for the poster presentation?
Only one registered author by poster will receive a certificate. By default it will be the first author of the poster. In case that the first author is not registered to the congress, the registered author will receive the certificate. In such a case, the responsible for the poster (registered to the congerss) must notify the organizers at the time of submission by email. Please be aware that to receive a presentation certificate, you must actually present your work at the conference
Who is the corresponding author?
Correspondences will be sent to the author indicated as corresponding at the time of submission.