Ana Lígia Barbour Scott
Ana Lígia Barbour Scott is full Professor at the Federal University of ABC, Master’s and Doctorate Advisor. She got PhD from the Department of Physics at IBILCE/UNESP (2013) and did a post-doctorate at the University of Pittsburgh/MMBios School of Medicine. (2018). She also did a post-doctorate at IGBMC, Biologie structurale intégrative group, University of Strasbour and a second one at the Laboratoire de Biologie et Pharmacologie Appliquée (LBPA)- Ecole Normale Supérieure de Cachan- Perahia Lab. (2013). Nowadays, Ana is the head Compuatational Biophysics and Biology laboartory of UFABC.

Maria Laura Mascotti
Maria Laura Mascotti is a research scientist in the evolutionary biochemistry field at IHEM (CONICET-UNCuyo), Argentina. Her initial steps in science included organic chemistry synthesis, fungal microbiology, and biotransformations. During her PhD time, Laura visited RUG to gain skills on enzymology as an Erasmus fellow. She discovered her passion for molecular evolution by studying flavin-dependent enzymes during her first postdoc at IMIBIO-SL, Argentina. She received further postdoctoral training at the world-renowned labs of Dame Janet Thornton at EBI (UK) and Joe Thornton’s at U Chicago (USA) supported by EMBL and Fulbright grants, respectively. From 2020-2023, Laura joined the Origins of Life (oLife) programme at the RUG (NL).

Carlos A. Brizuela
Carlos Brizuela earned a Ph.D. in Information and Production Sciences from Kyoto Institute of Technology. He has training in Mechatronics in Osaka and Industrial Electronics in Taiwan. He was a visiting scholar for a year at the Computational Drug Discovery laboratory at UCSD. He is a senior researcher and head of the Computational Biology laboratory in the Applied Physics Division at CICESE. Here, he develops multi-objective optimization and machine learning algorithms for the discovery and design of biomolecules with therapeutic potential. He also developed machine learning based predictors for antimicrobial peptides and in silico proteome digestion algorithms that are publicly accessible.

Rodrigo Quiroga
Rodrigo is a biochemist with a PhD in Chemical Sciences from the National University of Córdoba. His thesis focused on intracellular protein transport using molecular biology and bioinformatics. In 2018, he joined CONICET as a researcher, focusing on molecular docking and protein structure prediction. He is currently working on machine learning methodologies to improve scoring functions in molecular docking.