Posters of Participants
In order to make the most of the interaction with the members of the S-PLUS collaboration, we encourage the presentation of posters by the participants showing their work topics.
Title and Abstract of Posters should be sent via email to with subject “Poster Abstract”.
Abstract submission deadline is January 31st.
Posters maximum size should be A0.
List of Posters (Author Alphabetic Order)
Aidelman, Yael
Using Machine-Learning to obtain Be star candidates
Baume, Gustavo
Mining Study of Ionospheric Data
Canossa Gosteinski, Marco Antonio
Searching for Ultra Diffuse Galaxies in the Low-Density Environment around NGC 3115
Caso, Juan Pablo
Siblings, Friends and Acquaintances: Testing Galaxy Association from Photometric Redshifts
De Rossi, María Emilia
Observability of First Galaxies with a Generic FIR/sub-mm Telescope
Donoso, Emilio
GUNDAM: Blazing Fast Spatial Correlation Functions in Galaxy Surveys
Ennis, Ana
Globular Cluster Systems as Tracers of Galactic Evolution
Escudero, Carlos
Pixel Colour-Magnitude Diagram Analysis of the Fornax Cluster using S-PLUS images (Part I)
Pixel Colour-Magnitude Diagram Analysis of the Fornax Cluster using S-PLUS images (Part II)
Feinstein, Carlos
Stellar Formation in NGC 2366: Searching for Clusters and Associations using Unsupervised Algorithms
López, Claudio
The Population of Neighborhood Galaxies around Radio AGNs
López, Iván
The SExOSS Project with S-PLUS: Search of Extended Objects in the Southern Sky
Spectral-Cube Fitting Software for Spitzer and JWST Studies of Active Galaxies
Moreno, Jonathan
New Light Curve of Massive Star Binary System HD 152590
Moyano, Facundo
Star Formation within Bars of Nearby Galaxies
Parisi, Celeste
Chemical Properties of Bulge Globular Clusters from CaT Spectroscopy
CaT Metallicities of SMC Star Clusters: Tracers of the Chemical Evolution
Pichel, Ana
Looking for blazars in the Galactic plane
Ponce, David
Dichotomy in the Radio Galaxies Habitats in the Local Universe
Rodríguez, Facundo
Improving Galaxy Group Finders
Rodríguez, Jimena
The YSG still preserve the same structure of the molecular clouds from which they form
Scalia, María Cecilia
The Color-Magnitude Relation of Early-Type Galaxies through the Analysis of Lick Indices
Torres, Andrea
Gemini Near-Infrared Spectra of B[e] Star Candidates
Zenocratti, Lucas
Studying the Color-Magnitud Relation of Simulated Early-Type Galaxies
Mass-Metallicity Relation as a Function of Morpho-Kinematics in EAGLE Simulations